Understanding of IT governance, Frameworks, and Information security. IT auditing Governance
IT strategic planning, Policies, Procedures and Standards, Data classification, System classification and Access control procedures.
Risk management programs and Processes. IT management and practices
Business Continuity planning, disaster recovery plans and procedures,
Audit process and Management. ISACA codes, standards, guideline, and procedures
Risk analysis, business process, risk, mitigation, and counter measures.
Internal controls, and control objectives, audit objectives and Audit types, Control self-assessment and Auditors self-assessment
IT life cycle management, portfolio, and program management.
Project management and methodologies. Software development life cycle and risks, Auditing of software development life cycles. Auditing of controls and others. Data integrity testing, transactions flow and online processing test.
Change management and change configuration. Capability maturity models,
IT service Delivery and Infrastructures, Hardware, Software and Network Infrastructures testing
Network architecture testing and operation processing test.
Information security management, Assets inventory and classifications, third party management, computer crimes, security incident management, forensic investigations, logical access controls, physical access controls, environmental access controls, and auditing the access control itself. Securing wireless networks and management of information leakages.